
Do you have a premed or other prehealth intent? Do you want to talk to other students about the highs and lows of the pathway? If so, join us for MedTalk. This group allows you to talk to other students experiencing the same things as you. We will meet once a month to commiserate and share what is challenging and what is going well.

The second meeting will be on Tuesday, March 18th, from 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM, in 116 Memorial Hall. This room is inside the Exploratory Center. The first twenty people who sign up will receive an email. Our office will maintain a waitlist if someone drops out before the first meeting.

Please note: We do not claim to be therapists or counselors. We want this group to spark conversation and collegiality. If you need additional support services, please contact CAPS or Student Care and Outreach.

Use this link to register: