The Health in South Africa Winter Break Program is intended for UGA students who plan to pursue careers in healthcare and work actively toward that goal. In this program, the participants will have the opportunity to learn about the South African healthcare system—and how it differs from ours—through guest lectures, tours of healthcare facilities, and shadowing opportunities with clinicians. In addition to these experiences, participants will enroll in one UGA course: BIOL 4910 Topics in Biology (Health and Healthcare in South Africa), 3 credit hours.
This program runs from December 12 – December 23, 2024.
The program departs South Africa on December 23rd and arrives in the US on December 24th, 2024.
Please note that you need to double check with your college that they have approved this activity for Experiential Learning Credit on If you do not see this listed, speak with your academic advisor to confirm whether or not this program will count for EL.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, some aspects of this program may be modified to ensure the health and safety of the participants while in South Africa.
This program aims to help students gain perspective on international healthcare while increasing their cultural competency. Learning to communicate and work with patients from different backgrounds is invaluable to students who wish to pursue a healthcare profession. The program also offers a unique opportunity to broaden a student’s undergraduate experience through meaningful professional and personal interactions with non-US healthcare professionals who can share their worldview through conversations and example.
Our experiential activities and the clinical exposure will be helpful not only in applying to graduate health professional programs but will also enable our students to become more well-rounded applicants and, in turn, more conscientious healthcare providers. This program hopes to develop mature individuals who leave South Africa with experience in the world beyond the classroom as it is an ideal vehicle for growing some of the skills and attitudes that are essential in the practice of medicine—flexibility, self-reliance, and sensitivity to other cultures.
Lastly, this program offers our students an ethical healthcare-centered shadowing option that meets AAMC ethics guidelines.
- Program participants will be required to attend pre-departure orientations and academic meetings in the fall semester.
- Students applying for this program are eligible to apply for the OGE GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP.
UCT / Groote Schuur Hospital – Attached to the University of Cape Town Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Medicine