Although requirements do vary from program to program, AA programs generally require the following courses:

  • One year of inorganic / general chemistry with lab (CHEM 1211/L and 1212/L)
  • One year of organic chemistry with lab (CHEM 2211/L and 2212/L)
  • One year of biology with lab (BIOL 1107/L and 1108/L)
  • One year of physics with lab (PHYS 1111/L and 1112/L or PHYS 1211/L and 1212/L)
  • One semester of biochemistry (BCMB 3100 or BCMB 4010 & 4020)
  • One year of anatomy and physiology (CBIO 2200/L & CBIO 2210/L)
    • CBIO 3010 and one of the 3000+ level physiology courses might be an option depending on the programs to which you are applying. It is critical that you review their requirements thoroughly before selecting this option.
  • One semester of statistics (STAT 2000 or BIOS 2010)
  • One semester of calculus (MATH 2250)

Extra Recommended Requirements:

CWRU needs STAT 3110 or BIOS 3000 or 7010 (CANNOT be done online as CWRU doesn’t accept online courses for any pre-requisites).

VCOM – Auburn and South Carolina also needs STAT 3110 or BIOS 3000 or BIOS 7010 but they DO allow online pre-requisites.

EMORY: an extra physiology on top of A&P (usually VPHY 3100 or 3107), and medical terminology (CLAS 1030)

AP Credit

Please note that programs will not always accept AP credit for pre-requisite courses. AP acceptance policies as of July 2020 are listed below. As these policies are subject to change, it is critical that you review the individual websites of the programs to which you are applying to get the most up-to-date information.

AP Credit Accepted

  • Emory University
  • South University
  • University of Missouri
  • Indiana University
  • Nova Southeastern University
  • University of Colorado
  • Case Western – will accept AP scores of 4 and 5 but not below

AP Credit NOT Accepted

  • Medical College of Wisconsin