When deciding on which schools and programs to apply to, there are a number of things to consider.
Am I competitive at this institution?
The application process for medical school can be arduous and expensive. Therefore, it is important you apply to schools that you actually have a chance of gaining admission. This means paying attention to average MCAT scores and GPAs as well as the types (and amount) of volunteer / extracurricular activities accepted applicants usually have.
Another thing to consider is where accepted applicants are coming from (i.e., in-state vs. out-of-state). Private out-of-state schools are often a better bet compared with state schools. For instance, as a Georgia resident, the likelihood of gaining admission into the University of Washington School of Medicine is very low, as they accept very few out-of-state applicants and even fewer outside of the Pacific Northwest. Similarly, a Washington resident would have a difficult time gaining admission into the Medical College of Georgia.
Beyond residency, it is important to pay attention to the overall mission of the medical school. For example, the mission of Mercer University School of Medicine is to serve rural and medically under-served populations in Georgia. Specifically, they are focused on primary care. Therefore, if you wish to specialize in plastic surgery and would like to work in Cobb County (or outside of the Georgia), Mercer may not be a good fit for you, even if you meet or exceed their minimum requirements.
Would I feel comfortable attending this institution?
Medical school is an incredibly strenuous (though rewarding) experience. Therefore, it is also important to consider whether you would be happy attending a particular medical school. If you prefer warm weather, a medical school in Michigan may not be the best choice. If you have to be home for the holidays, attending medical school 3,000 miles away may not be the best choice. Moreover, living in Chicago or DC will certainly offer a different experience than living in Athens or Charlottesville.
Curriculum and the structure of a particular medical program should be considered as well when deciding which schools to apply to. Do you prefer lecture-style classes over small-group activities? Do you hope to conduct research?
Additional factors to consider:
- Tuition / Cost of Living Expenses
- USLME scores and residency matching rate
- Research opportunities
- Options for clinical rotations (in the same city or spread around the state?, etc.)
- Satellite campuses
- Dual-degree programs
The best resource to use when deciding where to apply is the Medical School Admissions Requirement (MSAR) handbook. Admission statistics, requirements, and applicant data is compiled every year for each accredited medical school in the US and Canada.
Is Early Decision right for me?
The Early Decision Program (or EDP) allows an applicant to submit an application to a single medical school and receive a relatively quick decision.
Specifically, the EDP application deadline is August 1 and a decision provided by the medical school by October 1. If admitted EDP, the applicant is obligated to attend that school for that particular year only (the acceptance cannot be deferred). Therefore, it is important to apply for early decision only at an institution you would consider your “first-choice.”
Note: In order to apply EDP, you must complete the MCAT early enough for you to receive your scores before the August 1 deadline.
If you are rejected during the EDP process, you will still have the opportunity to apply to additional programs. However, there is a risk that many interview opportunities at the other schools may have been already offered to other students. Furthermore, it is possible to be admitted at the same school at which you were rejected during EDP during the regular admission cycle, especially if an interview was completed in the EDP process.
Early Decision Programs in Georgia:
- Emory University School of Medicine does not offer EDP.
- Medical College of Georgia requires that EDP applicants have an overall GPA of 3.7 and a combined MCAT score of 509.
- Mercer University School of Medicine allows applicants to apply EDP provided they are Georgia residents and have met the requirements for the regular decision application process.
- Morehouse University School of Medicine allows applicants to apply EDP provided they are Georgia residents and have met the requirements for the regular decision application process.