The Pre-Professional Advising Office offers a variety of workshops and orientation sessions over the course of the academic year. You are welcome to attend any and all of our presentations, and we have also provided the slides for many of them below so that you always have access to the information.

Dates, times, and locations for all of our presentations will be listed on the event calendar as well as shared via the listserv.

Pre-Professional students are highly encouraged to attend our Orientation sessions if they are new to pre-health or heading into the application cycle that year. These sessions are not mandatory and you are welcome to schedule with a pre-professional advisor even if you cannot attend an orientation. However, because these sessions highlight critical information, attending the presentation can help lead to more productive conversations with your advisor once you actually sit down with them.

These presentations outline the function and purpose of the Pre-Professional Advising Office, as well as how our staff may assist in the professional school application process. For pre-nursing and pre-law, all content is covered in one session; however, the orientation sessions for pre-med/dent and pre-allied health are divided into two parts:

  • Introductory Orientation (Freshman / Sophomores): provides you with information concerning credential building (pre-requisites, shadowing / volunteering, etc.) to help you become a well-rounded applicant to professional school.
  • Applicant Orientation (Juniors / Seniors / Alumni): reviews in-depth information regarding the application process and the timeline for applying.

You are encouraged to attend both of the orientation sessions offered, unless you are already beginning the application process, in which case the Applicant Orientation would be more appropriate.